Kino Makoto was the third senshi to team up with Sailormoon, as Sailor Jupiter. Makoto (usually called Mako-chan) is like a big sister to the inner senshi. She actually likes to clean (bet my mother wishes I was like her, but… ^_^;) and she's a fabulous cook (Usagi really loves that! ^_^) Physically, she's the strongest of the Sailor Senshi (until Sailor Uranus comes along). That's why she had the reputation as a bully when she transferred to Usagi's school.Mako-chan is the tallest of the inner senshi.Her uniform is different from the others because they didn't have a uniform in her size. As Sailor Jupiter, her attacks are centered around electricity. Her first attack was the Supreme Thunder. A little antenna raises from the jewel on her tiara and it collects lightning, which she can direct at her enemies. Her second attack, the Supreme Thunder Dragon was a powered up version of the Supreme Thunder just in shape of a dragon. Her third attack was the Sparkling Wide Pressure, which is a ball of electricity that she throws at her enemies, she got this attack in the second part of the R series against Petz. In the SuperS series, she was powered up to Super Sailor Jupiter. She got the attack Jupiter Oak Evolution. She spins around (like a figure skater, ne? ^_^) and leaves of electricity shoot out at her enemies. In the manga, she had the attacks Flower Hurricane and the Jupiter Coconut Cyclone.As the princess of Jupiter, her castle is named Io. Mako-chan is often heard saying that some boy looks like her sempai. She has a crush on Motoki who works in the Crown Game Center. So you will usually find either Usagi (even though she has Mamoru ^_^;) Minako or Mako-chan (or sometimes all three) there flirting with him. The reason Mako-chan lives alone is because her parents were killed in a plane when she was young.Because of that she has a strong fear of airplanes. Whenever she hears a commercial for airplanes, she hides behind the curtains! (It's so cute! ^_^) Ikazuchi no hoshi,mokuseio shiyugonimotsu, hogono senshi, Sailor Jupiter!(I am the soldier of protection, and I carry the protection of the planet of thunder, Jupiter. I am Sailor Jupiter!) My Opinion:Mako-chan is a beautiful character inside and out. Sometimes she gets depressed because she thinks that no boys like her because she is so big and she doesn't think that she is very pretty. It's a LIE! But sometimes the anime can make her not very pretty, but in the manga she's gorgeous! Makoto would be a good person to have around in a time of crisis.