The Amazoness Quartet is a team of 4 young sisters who worked for the Dead Moon Circus. Their job was to find the Golden Mirror. They worked in the Circus because they were promised that they would stay young forever. They thought that adults didn't have the ability to dream. The Quartet is actually is Sailor Chibimoon's guardians, the Asteroid Senshi in the manga. In the anime they are just healed into normal girls and were never seen again after the SuperS series.
CereCere is the leader of the quartet. In the circus she was a trapeze artist. CereCere is very prim and proper and she is also very vain. Usually only attacking men, CereCere would still prefer to laze around the circus getting massages (who wouldn't? ^_^). She loves flowers and once she even used a flower to put her sisters to sleep because they were fighting over a target. (Boy, were they mad when they woke up ^_^) Most of her lemures are some type of flower. In the manga, she turns into Sailor Ceres. In the manga Ceres was the first one to figure out that Chibi Chibi was in fact Sailor Cosmos who was in fact a future incarnation of Sailormoon.
BesuBesu (VesVes) got the quartet in trouble when they first made their appearance ^_^; She attacked Zirconia with her magic ball. Just when BesuBesu thought she had her, Zirconia blasted her and sent her crashing into her sisters. Annoyed, they made BesuBesu go get the first target. BesuBesu is loud and arrogant and she would prefer not to take orders from anyone (especially not Zirconia! ^_^). In the circus, she takes the role as the animal trainer, which is why she sometimes carries a whip. In the manga, she turns into Sailor Vesta.
ParaPara (Pallapalla) is the youngest of the quartet. She talks in third person and she loves to play with dolls (which usually ends with her ripping the doll's head off…O_o) ParaPara doesn't like taking orders from Zirconia either and some times she ignores Zirconia completely and plays with her dolls. In the circus she takes the role of balancing on balls. Most of ParaPara lemures are some kind of toy ^_^. If ParaPara isn't given a specific target, she goes out and attracts a crowd. Then she attacks everyone at the same time. ParaPara is probably best known for switching Usagi and Chibiusa's ages around ^_^. In the manga she changes to Sailor Pallas.
JunJun is probably the least known of the quartet. She is also one of the most aggressive. She is loud and disrespectful of "Zirconia-baba" (Zirconia grandmother). JunJun seems to like to help her victims achieve their dream before she attacks them. In the circus, JunJun is a fabulous acrobat and she is very athletic. JunJun was the first of the quartet to wonder if dream mirrors were not trash like they had been taught. She turns to Sailor Juno in the manga.
In the manga the Asteroid Senshi (Sailor Quartet) have the attack Amazoness Jungle Arrow in which they combine their powers. They managed to kill the last of the Animamates, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion. They traveled back in the past with Chibimoon, to help Sailormoon in her battle against the Shadow Galactica. Sailor Cosmos sent them back to the future after Sailormoon had melted into the Galaxy Cauldron. They are called the Asteroid senshi because they are named after four of the largest asteroids in the solar system.
Taiyokei yonshiyou wakuseino shiyugonimotsu. Sailor Ceres, Sailor Pallas, Sailor Juno, and Sailor Vesta.
(We carry the protection of the four asteroids of the solar system)
My Opinion: The Quartet is awesome! Even with their skimpy clothing you gotta laugh at their antics. Especially when they are making fun of Zirconia. It would have been nice if they were senshi in the anime like in the manga!