Hametsu no hoshi, doseio shiyugonimotsu, chinmoku no hoshi, Sailor Saturn! (I am the carrier of the protection of the planet of ruin, Saturn. The soldier of silence, Sailor Saturn!) Tomoe Hotaru is also known as Sailor Saturn. Hotaru had the hardest life of any of the senshi. Her mother, Keiko was killed in a fire when Hotaru was only 8 years old. Hotaru herself would have died, but her father made her into a cyborg (manga version) Both Hotaru and her father Souichi were possessed by alien beings from Tau Ceti. It was Mistress 9's mission to show Master Pharaoh 90 the way from Tau Ceti. Pharaoh 90 would then destroy the earth, bringing the silence. So Mistress 9 was known as the Dark Messiah. Hotaru spent almost the entire series fighting with the evil entity inside of her. It was a fight that she eventually lost and she also lost her body to Mistress 9 when she gained possession of Chibiusa's ginzuishou (heart crytal in the anime). Hotaru finally destroyed Mistress 9 when she became Sailor Saturn. The other Outer Senshi feared Sailor Saturn's awakening. Saturn only appears when all hell has broken loose. Then it is her mission to be the guide to death. She leads all to silence and nothingness. Her power is all in the Silence Glaive that she carries. The attack that she is most known for is the Death Ribbon Revolution. This attack was never shown in the anime, but in the manga it was. Saturn raises her glaive and shouts "Death Ribbon Revolution!" Ribbons fly everywhere (that's why I call it ribbon instead of reborn). Then a huge column of energy shoots into the sky. The top of the glaive begins to glow, and then she brings the glaive down in pure silence. That's when things start to explode. In the process of using this attack, Saturn herself is killed but then she is reborn. Another attack that she has is the Silence Glaive Surprise. In the anime it blows things up (like Neherenia's castle ^_^) and it would have killed her and everyone around her if she had completed it. In the manga though, the Silence Glaive Surprise created a haze (kinda like Mercury's Shabon Spray). She also has the Silence Wall, which creates a force field of energy around the people she wishes to protect Hotaru led a very lonely life because her classmates rejected her because she had the power to heal people. So she spent most of her time in her house. Where she was tormented by that witch Kaolinite! (she was so mean to herThen along came a pink odango haired girl, and Hotaru's life changed for the better. ^_^ As the princess of Saturn, her castle is named Titan. Chinmoku no hoshi, douseio shiyugonimotsu, hametsu to tanjyou no senshi, Sailor Saturn!!). (I carry the protection of the planet of silence, Saturn. I am the soldier of ruin and birth I am Sailor Saturn!) My Opinion:Hotaru is a sweetie, but if push comes to shove she'll destroy everything around her in the hopes of saving the Earth. She has a firm belief in her princess (Sailormoon) which is pretty evident after the Super series.